The Maple and Poppy Rooms are for our students that enter the group when they are between 15 months through 2 years, 9 months old.
Most of the children are now more mobile and curiously exploring their world around them. They also have a growing attention span,
and are developing interests and forming friendships with their peers.
Our classrooms:
Our toddler classrooms are divided into two sides for smaller groupings of 4 or 5 children with a teacher on each side. We have found that the smaller groupings work best at this age because they are then not having to “compete” with a large number of children for attention, toys, and space, making way for a more calming and conducive environment for this age group.
Our classrooms offer areas for gross motor activities including ramps, steps, tunnel, platforms, Pikler triangle, slides, a variety of balls to kick, bounce and throw, as well as push and pull toys.
On shelving in the classrooms, you'll find materials such as blocks, cars and trucks, animals, stacking toys, puzzles, books, dolls, play food, pots and pans, materials from nature, loose parts for dumping and filling, and more. Areas include dramatic play, blocks & building, reading, art, and science.
In our sensory tables you may find sand, water, shaving cream, snow, and other textured items.
A paint easel allows for children's creativity. Other art and sensory activities often take place at the low child-height tables.
Individual rest mats are provided for nap time. At nap time, the children fall asleep to soothing lullabies, classical music, or nature sounds.
There are also areas throughout the classrooms that are soft and quiet, providing respite from all of the activity. These spaces are often enjoyed alone, or with a friend.
Your Child's Needs:
The teachers understand that a toddlers needs and moods vary day-by-day and the teachers make adjustments accordingly, based on each child's individual needs.
Although the children at this age are really enjoying their new-found independence, they are still little and they need to be reassured by the adults around them. The teachers spend on-on-one time with them throughout the day. Sometimes they will climb into the teachers lap for a story, a hug, or for a little chat.
The teacher's provide the children with the space they desire, while still being available to them when needed.
Your child will have a morning snack time, afternoon snack time, and lunch, while at Little Footprints. If your child arrives early, they are also welcome to have their breakfast at school. All meals and snacks are sent in from home.
We understand that children at this age are very picky eaters, so we encourage a variety of foods for them to choose from.
*Student-teacher ratio: 4:1 or 9:2 (although we often keep the ratios at 8:2)
*Information sheets are sent home daily, to let you know about their day (diapering, naps, etc).
*Diapering will take place at least every two hours, and more often, as needed.
*Developmental Progress Reports are done for each child, bi-annually.
*Parents provide diapers, wipes, food, snacks, drinks, a change of clothing, and appropriate attire for messy outdoor exploration.
Now that many of the children are mobile, they are almost non-stop in exploring the environment. Being in an environment that fosters their various needs and curiosities, the teachers find ways to expand on this learning and exploration.
Toddlers are sensory learners and participate in many sensory activities throughout the day. Feeding their world with sight, smell, taste, feel and sound teaches them about the world around them and satisfies those curiosities!
Music and movement is a favorite at this age. The children are often found singing and dancing throughout the classroom. Props including scarves, dress-ups, and instruments are often added to the experience.
You will often find the classroom with materials scattered about, as children at this age are big into dumping and filling, and transporting items from one place to another. They may add puzzle pieces into a push cart, loose parts into a purse, or building blocks into a basket. Although to some this may appear to be just a mess, they are actually learning many skills. Hand/eye coordination, cause and effect, and fine motor skills, to name just a few.
The children spend a lot of time outside when weather permitting. Their outdoor play may consist of playing with mud, dirt, and sand, as well as digging, jumping, climbing, balancing, sliding, running, or even catching bugs! Since toddlers are such explorers, our natural playground is perfect for fulfilling these needs.
Haverhiill: (978) 374-9454
Atkinson: (603) 362-4153
800 Broadway, Haverhill, MA
6 Main St, Atkinson, NH