If you are interested in registering your child for our school year program, please click on the form below.
Registration forms should be printed and then completed. The completed forms may be mailed or brought to the school, along with the non-refundable registration fee ($50 per child, $100 max per family). The registration fee is a one-time fee and is non-refundable.
For parents of children enrolling in our Willow and Maple Rooms, a one-week tuition deposit is also required, if your spot will be held for longer than 30-days from the time of registering.
Please note that registration is on a first-come first serve basis. Sending in the registration form will not guarantee a slot unless there is availability. Please email or call to make sure space is available.
Our Parent handbook will be helpful in answering many questions that you may have regarding our current policies, procedures, and practices.
Please be sure to read it before signing the "Parent Handbook Agreement", that you will find in the enrollment forms packet.
Now that you have completed the registration forms, you will need to also complete an enrollment forms packet for your child. The enrollment forms provide developmental history for your child, as well as background information, emergency contacts, alternate pick-up persons, etc.
If your child will not be attending right away, it is best to wait to complete these forms until a few weeks before your child's start date, so we will have the most up-to-date information.
No child will be admitted to the school without these forms being completed.
*For current parents, these forms need to be completely annually.
Haverhiill: (978) 374-9454
Atkinson: (603) 362-4153
Email: info@littlefootprints.org
800 Broadway, Haverhill, MA
6 Main St, Atkinson, NH