We do not accept vouchers. It is private-pay only.
Yes. We accept payments through the child care app, Brightwheel. Payment can be made by debit, credit, or ACH. This is our preferred method of payment.
Yes. We offer 10% off the lower rate of each additional tuition, for any number of additional siblings.
Yes. In determining the tuition rates, I take into consideration the number of holidays and possible snow days (although this can vary greatly from year to year), and set the rates accordingly. Parents are paying for their slot and will pay the same rate each week, unless they have reduced or increased their days/hours on a permanent basis. Reducing hours/days requires a two week notice. If your child is absent, we do not have space to offer make-up days. There are some days of the week that will have more closed days for holidays, so this is up to you to consider when choosing your days since rates are the same regardless of which days of the week you choose for your child to attend.
Yes. Absolutely, and often more! I cannot emphasize enough that children learn so much through play, and the teachers make sure that children are given every opportunity to learn math, science, writing, reading, science, art, and music through their play.
An emergent curriculum is where the ideas and subjects the children study, "emerge" from the children. The teachers observe, listen, and document their play and find out the interests of the children. The teachers will ask questions, have conversations, and provide guidance and materials to support their curiosities. The children may develop an interest that is studied for a few days, a week, or a few months. We want the children to have an interest in what they are learning about, and we follow their lead.
Overwhelmingly, research has shown that children need to have a good foundation to succeed in kindergarten and beyond. Part of that foundation is to provide children with opportunities for play, exploration, and discovery. Through these experiences the children will naturally engage in mastering areas that will prepare them for kindergarten. With the foundation we lay for your child at Little Footprints Learning Center, they will have the best opportunity for success as they move on in the later years.
Haverhiill: (978) 374-9454
Atkinson: (603) 362-4153
Email: info@littlefootprints.org
800 Broadway, Haverhill, MA
6 Main St, Atkinson, NH